Ps. The photos will be very large, but I don’t know how to reduce them yet.

As a person from the seaside, I would consider the mole mound to be a sizeable mountain, but anyhow respect for those who ride their bikes up these hills!
In preparation for the trip, in which I have only 92,000 km to travel 🙂 and taking advantage of such beautiful natural circumstances, I decided to train the setting up of a tent for the night. A noble idea, but in the morning I realized that I had an incurable disease called “PESELOSIS”. ( in Polish Pesel means the numbers connected to your date of birth).

Not only did I go to these high thickets without a sleeping mat, I also forgot something for mosquitoes. Sleeping only on what mother nature has gifted me (although it is something, in terms of size), it’s probably not for me any longer, and you know why I sailed the world on a yacht, right? – because there are no mosquitoes in the middle of the ocean, and here?

Damn I wish I had a larger fairing on a motorcycle! I would go around all the time, just to send more of them … wherever the mosquitoes go when you hit them with a slipper …

Over time, the guys decided that it was worth taking me on such trips, because all the bugs in the world think of me as a teether, while I, in turn, think that it is worth taking my buddies, because at least they were able to navigate – with me, we would get lost at a gas station …

Because you know how it is…the worst is when you ride, and you are convinced that you know where to :)))
In general, I was driving around and thinking, “I can already see my first (and last ! ) Sea swim at 66″ degrees north of Alaska, wne I don’t even want to crawl into a stream to cool off. ” Brrr …

I was also glad to be on a big motorcycle – I had an excuse not to go down the off roads, because then it would be revealed that I do not remember how it was done 😊 But, as Maverick says in “Top Gun” – it’s not the plane that counts, but the pilot, so I was opening the gas to keep up, and the result is below:

Ah, woudn’t that be nice if you were like this dog … having everything in your “abdomen”, even with the weather like this outside …

I wanted to post a video here, but I can’t do it yet, so I sent you on Facebook (Natasza Caban).