My parents’ motorcycle has been standing in front of the house for as long as I can remember. Black, it looked like a fly, and it always got in my way when I swept my porch. I did the motorcycle exam together with the car one, because it was almost same amount of learning. It’s just that when you are 17, you have time for everything, except for studying. I remember there were exactly 30 tests to remember by heart – I have memorised the last two. They handed out papers during the exam and there was no option for me to pass. I turned to someone behind me and asked, “Which one have you learnt?” – “none” he replied, so we swapped tests. And so the newly lying in front of me turned out to be number one of the two I’d learned. Ha ! And now the practictical exam:
I remember that day (and it was almost 30 years ago) I had holes in my shoes – because more important for me was to be fashionable, than to have dry feet 🙂 The footbreak got stuck in one of those wholes and I felt down with the motorbike in a figure-eight maneuver . Nobody from two examiners must have seen it, because it turned out that I passed. I will just add that in those days, in Poland, when you passed the exam on maneuvring area, you did not have to drive for the next exam through the city. 😊 Thefore I had it! 🙂 I eather made the examiners laugh so much while falling or impressed them with picking the moto so quick I will never know…
At home, I heard that they would sooner buy me a horse than a moto. So I ended up with some horses, and as a “not a backpack” on the moto, I came back only after 17 years, after my cruise around the world. Since I went solo sailing around the world to learn how to sail and after two years of doing so I still did not know what that was about ( ) – I switched to motorcycles. I watched some enduro and cross competitions … but it moved me! I just didn’t realize that it would be the toughest sport I will have to deal with. I had no idea what I was getting into, so I did.
And it all started with Tomek. Well, Tomek… TO BE CONTINUED